Tuesday, September 19, 2017

"We the People...."

     Several overall principles were evident in the Constitution that was submitted to the states in September of 1787 and eventually ratified. The document was a careful series of checks and balances that shared power amount three branches of the government; the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial branches. Our founders tried to create a government with limited powers, because they feared unlimited authority like they had suffered before the Revolution. They wanted a government that protected the people and their right's and abilities without running their lives. They wanted a government of laws, not of men. Today we examined a copy of the Constitution and discussed what it stands for. We also looked at copies of money used during the last 1700's and the Bill of Rights.

The Constitution & Bill of Rights

We spent a fair amount of time pouring over the writing style and penmanship of the document. Becky even found a few places where they had made an error and inserted a word that was left out! I can't believe they made mistakes back then!!!😂

The best part of today was discussing the changes in our culture today regarding the Constitution. We also discussed the role of Senators and the House of Representatives. Some former Senators turned Attorney General are clearly not abiding by the Constitution. (Ahem) It is important to know what the role is of these important jobs, so we can keep them accountable when necessary. We discussed a few distinguished individuals making headlines in the news right now for their conduct and perceived wrong doing. Talking about current events leads to all sorts of fun rabbit trails!

Next week is our first test!😁 I know tests are not something people look forward to, but it is a good way to know if you are understanding and remembering the material. Don't worry though, it won't be too hard. Plus, I will give you treats afterwards. I attached a link to a song to help you remember the Preamble (it will be on the test). 

For this week, You need to read Unit 6 and complete the bible assignments and study!!!! There is no Unit Project due next week. You can also begin reading "The Narrative of the Life of Davey Crockett" for extra credit. Once you have read the narrative, write a 2 paragraph paper on either:
1. What contribution he made to our country  OR
2. Why he was the "ideal" frontiersman. 
*Remember this is no required. It is just for extra credit. 
The extra credit assignment is not due for 2 more weeks.

Have a great week friends!

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Last Blog Post

Well this is my last official blog post for this class:( It is a little sad that the year is over. I will miss each one of you so much. I tr...