Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Our First Test!!!

     Well, you survived your first test! Hooray! It wasn't so bad, right? I know tests can be stressful and hard, but it truly is a good skill to master. Now with one test under your belt, you will know what to expect on the next tests. At the end of each semester, I will even drop your lowest test score from your overall grade, so don't panic.

 I am really proud of each of you! No one complained or whined about the test. You just came in and went to work. The bonus is that you got treats afterwards, right?
I think treats help any situation, don't you? It takes our mind off of hard things.
Especially if those treats include sugar!

     Has anyone else noticed how we always migrate towards current events in class? Lol! I like it though. We are bringing history into our current culture. Plus, there is so much to discuss! Feel free to research things going on right now to discuss in class. I think it is important to analyze things that are currently happening to what we are learning in history. You all have intelligent insights and it makes my heart smile to hear your thoughts. No matter what "crazy" things are going on around us, or have happened in the past, God is in control. We can't always see or understand his plan, but He has one, and we just need to trust and have faith. The writers of the Constitution had no idea if their new plan for government would work, they were hopeful but unsure, and yet they trusted and put it forward. They trusted in God to guide them. They dealt with oppositions throughout the journey, but here we are today still holding tight to our Constitution that governs us with effective but limited power.

Here is what you need to do this week:
-Read Unit 7
-Choose 1 Unit Project to complete
-American Voices: Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural Address, "I love Thy Kingdom, Lord", Marbury V. Madison, excerpts from Letters between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, "Star Spangled Banner", "Thanatopsis", "To a Waterfowl", and Last Will and Testament of Springfield Presbytery.
-Bible verse Isaiah 55:1-3, questions from lesson 32, Matthew 21:12-13 and answer questions from lesson 33.
-Work on Timeline
-Extra Credit: Read Narrative of the Life of David Crockett. (optional)
Answer one of the following questions in a 1-2 paragraph paper:
1. Why was David Crockett the ideal frontiersman?
2. How did he contribute to American History?

Have a great week!

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Last Blog Post

Well this is my last official blog post for this class:( It is a little sad that the year is over. I will miss each one of you so much. I tr...