Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Scientific Revolution and the Truth of Emotions

     As the Scientific Revolution unfolded, man's understanding of the world changed. During this time, people began to feel that the church was not the only authority in life and that science could explain things better. Philosophers of that time believed that they were living in a time of unprecedented knowledge and discovery. They were enthusiastic about promoting these discoveries and becoming "lovers of wisdom". Most of the scientists were believers in God and did not work to undermine the church, but there were some who used their new knowledge to stand against the church. Religion became viewed as an opinion rather then truth. How is this different then today?
    As we discussed in class, some believe that emotions are the only "truth" they can rely on. How many people feel that way? If there is no real "truth" then do we only have our emotions to rely on? To go further, if there is no God, then what is our purpose here? Galileo felt that his purpose was to educate people about the universe. He published books and gave lectures on his findings, but he always gave credit to God for being so kind as to reveal his hidden treasures. However, the Catholic clergy did not agree with his teachings. He was ordered to stop teaching and his books were banned before he was finally placed on house arrest, where he completed his final days. It wasn't until 1992 that the Vatican admitted the mistake made in prohibiting his teachings and returned a verdict of not guilty. It only took 359 years!

     This week we are moving into the Age of Revolution. You will be examining the changes that took place in Europe, France, and America. These revolutions changed their countries forever. Your teams have the exciting task of presenting a broadcast next week on one of the revolutions. Team one will be presenting the French Revolution, Team two will be presenting the American Revolution, and Team three will be presenting the Battle of Culloden. The Battle of Culloden is not covered in the book, ahem, so you will need to research that battle. I feel that it should have been included since it completely changed the Scottish way of life and their position in Britain, and it preceded the French and American Revolution. Many of the Scots were banished to the American colonies after Culloden and fought in the American Revolution. It is an important part of history.

1. Read Unit 20
2. Research your teams revolution. Be prepared to give a broadcast with the dates, locations ( maps are good), people, and outcomes of the revolution. You may choose to pick one important event from the battle to focus on, but we need the background information about the battle. I expect each team member to participate in the broadcast, so no one is sitting this one out! Feel free to bring props, costumes, or anything else you want to make your broadcast stand out. You can interview "eye witnesses", act out events, demonstrate "live" on the scene footage, etc... Be creative! Make sure to communicate with your team this week and have  plan.

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Last Blog Post

Well this is my last official blog post for this class:( It is a little sad that the year is over. I will miss each one of you so much. I tr...