Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Age of Exploration

The Age of Exploration affected the culture, religion, science, government, and food of different nations. The explorers brought back items that were previously foreign to their country and introduced a new way of life. For centuries, most people stayed within the boundaries of their country and had little knowledge of the rest of the world. They were unaware of the mysteries that lay outside their boundaries. That all changed when the first explorers ventured overseas. Crews boarded ships that were headed to new lands. They would be faced with the challenges of sea life, such as, limited fresh foods, disease, poor hygiene, death, and fear of the unknown. They would also discover new lands, new foods that delighted their taste buds, tobacco, religion, chocolate!!!, and beautiful scenery. They would also stumble upon tribes that were confused by their arrival. It was an exiting and dangerous time. The Age of Exploration opened the door to many new things and a new land.

This week you will start to read about the new things they discovered and how it changed their world.  The world was changing rapidly, and while some of it was exciting, some of it was threatening. You will read about the advancements in science, philosophy, clothing, and the value of life.

1. Read Unit 19
2. Choose a country to research for their clothing style. Create your own outfit based on the style of that country. The era can be from biblical times through the 17th century. You can create an outfit to wear to class, create a poster carefully showing the clothing style with swatches (you can draw this) and/or printed pictures, or bring in an outfit to show us. We will be judging the best outfit in class. You can choose any country listed in Unit 19, lesson 94.
3. Study for test next week! Don't forget to use Quizlet!

Here are some ideas:

European clothing

Medieval clothing

Scottish clothing

Clothing from Chile

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