Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Death of a Dictator

     Before Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C., he was considered a "celebrity". He had fame, power, riches, and loyal friends. Well, he thought he had loyal friends. Those so called friends were the very people who would spill the "tea" about him and conspire to assassinate him. Perhaps he was bad at picking friends? As Caesar lay dying in the Theatre of Pompey from 23 stab wounds, his friends were plotting their next move. What would the media say about such an event if this were taking place in current times? Hmm..... I think I have a good idea. Thank you to the teams who entertained us with a skit showing how the news media might have handled the situation.
We have so many talented actresses in class!

We also had 2 teams build Roman structures. I am impressed with what they built in a short period of time!
All made from energy drink cans!

Well done class! Today was a very creative and fun class! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

1. Read Unit 12
2. Research at least 5 Jewish customs or traditions. Include when and where they take place, what food is served, how long it lasts, and why it is celebrated.

Have a great week!

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Last Blog Post

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