Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Pyramids, Dead People, and "The Room"

Who wants a pyramid when they die? Well, you better get started building then. The Egyptians spent more time planning for their death then they did anything else. Great thought and planing went into building their burial place (pyramid), what riches they would take with them, and how they would preserve their bodies for the after life. Death is an important topic for many cultures, and even more so, the burial. As we discussed today, other cultures even leave the body in their homes for viewing for up to two weeks. We also discovered that in Indonesia they bury people for five years to make sure their spirit is safely in its new place, then they dig the body up and cremate it. There are very interesting rituals among the people of our world.

I loved watching the teams compete to build the most creative pyramid today. That was a blast! Some teams were very serious about it, while others were singing the whole time. It was interesting to learn that Emily used to eat ants, and that they are spicy. I would have never discovered that on my own. Interesting conversations were happening in the midst of this building frenzy. There was also a bit of painting each other, and of course it was the team that sings and eats ants. Go figure!
Casualties of pyramid building
The pyramids turned out amazing! I loved all of them.
But, the judges chose team 3 as the winners! Team 3 now has first dibs on the couches for 4 weeks.

This week you will be reading Unit 4. You will also be creating your own tribe with rules, dress code, responsibilities, and rituals. You can choose any time you want for your tribe. It can be the middle ages, the future, present times, or any other period in time. Be thorough. I want to understand what it would be like to live in your tribe. Will I be on a small island with Grace as the leader, or will I be in a tribe with "The Room" where I could be beaten for doing something wrong? Be very clear, but be creative. What will your tribe wear? What rituals will they have? Will it be a utopian society, a dictatorship, or a democracy? I can't wait to hear what you come up with.

1. Read Unit 4
2. Complete Unit project on creating your tribe
3. Study Quizlet for the test in 2 weeks

Have a great week!

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Last Blog Post

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