Tuesday, February 27, 2018

World War II

     Today was fun! I loved sampling different foods from the World War II era. You all did a great job with your recipes! I was surprised by how delicious everything was, even while using rationed ingredients.  Good job!
     World War II was a defining time for our country. The U.S. tried to stay out of the war for as long as possible, but when Pearl Harbor was attacked, we jumped right in. We joined the Allies and turned the tide in the war. With our resources and support, we aided the Allies in defeating the Axis and ended the battle. Many lives were lost, land destroyed (except our own), and horrors discovered. Once the war was officially over, we realized the extent of Hitler's evil ways. Concentration camps were graveyards for the jews, and human experimentation was a normal practice during Hitler's reign.   The war also helped pull America out of the Great Depression. With the demand for supplies at a high, more jobs were available and people could finally support their families. Women also entered the workforce during this time and made up one-third of the labor force. Wages increased and so did taxes, but overall Americans were in much better shape financially.
     Next week we will be discussing the Cold War, Korean War and life in postwar America led by the lovely Abby.

1. Read Unit 24
2. Choose one Unit Project to complete
3. Add to your timeline
4. Complete Bible assignments if bible credit is needed

Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The New Deal

     The crisis of the Great Depression brought F.D.R. to the White House and the New Deal to the nation. The government implemented many programs in an attempt to end the Great Depression, but the stimulus of war production for World War II is what finally ended the economic depression. Many people suffered from poverty during the 1930's while Hollywood and radio thrived. Entertainment has always held an important part of the American people. The Depression brought about efforts to offer employment to able men and women and provide them a purpose again.
     The Depression also brought about a rival in church attendance. It reminded people that when they face suffering in this world, they can look to the Bible for understanding, comfort, and hope. Many flocked to The Church of Nazarene and Assembly of God. I am pretty sure no one ran for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I am shocked that someone came up with this idea and convinced people to follow!
     Thank you to Grace for leading us in discussion this week. Although we went down MANY rabbit trails, we were able to discuss important ideas from this time in our country. Next we are headed straight into World War II. Rod is up next to lead us through this Unit.

1. Read Unit 23 (take notes for discussion)
2. Unit Project- prepare a sample meal from the 1940's ( during WWII)
3. Add major events to Timeline
4. Complete bible work if you need bible credit

Have a great week!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Roaring 20's

     After the Great War, Americans wanted life to return to normal; however, the 20's did not bring a sense of normal back. We drew ourselves into isolation from other countries and ushered in several cultural changes. The election of 1920 was the first election in which women could vote, and we elected a President who brought scandal with him. Harding was known for being a "laid-back" kind of guy, but he was also known for choosing corrupt men for prestigious positions. Sadly, he passed away before finishing his term due to food poisoning. Calvin Coolidge became the next President and brought about an economic boom.
     American business grew through the speed of assembly lines and improved machinery, and Americans were increasing the amount of things they owned. Cars had replaced horse -drawn carriages and decreased the use of trolleys and trains. Another huge area of growth was the entertainment industry. The decade of the 20's saw the emergence of the radio. People were able to listen to news, political speeches, advertising, and entertainment through radio. The movie industry saw huge growth as well. By 1927 America had over 20,000 movie theaters. Of course that is nothing compared to now. But, as the old saying goes, "What goes up, must come down." Following the boom of the 20's, the 1930's brought a great depression. At least 25% of the nation was unemployed, the stock market had crashed, and banks were going under. The situation was critical. During this next Unit, you will see how President Roosevelt helped end the Great Depression.

I love the points brought up today in class comparing the issues of the 20's to current issues. Some things never change! You are all very insightful, and I love it!

1. Read Unit 22
2. Complete bible work
3. Unit Project- write a 3-5 paragraph paper on The New Deal. It should cover the basics of the New Deal and how it helped America pull out of the Depression.
4. Don't forget to add to your Timeline!

*Thank you to Rod, Grace, Emily, and Abby who have signed up to lead discussion soon. I know you will do a great job! Don't worry if you haven't picked a Unit to lead, and you want to. You have until the end of the semester. Don't let fear keep you from signing up though. These are your fellow classmates, and we all want to see you succeed. No judgements at all. You will just be guiding the discussion and bringing up points to discuss. You can do it!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

America and the Great War

I have to start by saying that I LOVED your posters! You showed great creativity and skill in creating these posters. Good job! I hoped you learned a lot about WWI while working on this creative assignment. Should we do posters again for WWII?

The Great War erupted in 1914 with the assassination of Gavrilo Princip. He and his wife were brutally assassinated creating a chain of events that led to war. During the four years that WWI took place, at least 9 million soldiers died and 7 million civilians died. The United States remained neutral for the first few years of the war but finally joined forces with the Allies in 1917. Our presence in the war turned the tide in fighting and eventually brought about resolution in November of 1918. We will see in the upcoming Units that peace will not last long before another world war erupts. It is back to food rationing for our country, and a chance for you to create an interesting food dish to share.
I can't seem to rotate this picture. Ugh...
 Remember that if you are interested in leading a class discussion on a particular unit, please let me know which one you want to do. It will be worth extra credit!

1. Read Unit 21
2. Read American Voices "Destiny of America" by Calvin Coolidge
3. Complete bible assignments
4. Add to your Timeline.

Have a great week!

Last Blog Post

Well this is my last official blog post for this class:( It is a little sad that the year is over. I will miss each one of you so much. I tr...