Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Who is listening to us?

     We are just beginning to learn about the Modern Age. As always, the political parties are continuing to battle for political predominance and create sweeping changes. Politics in the 1890's is not much different then politics now. We still have parties bickering, increasing tax prices, and election time drama. We also have witty people writing books or articles about what they observe in the nation. The Wizard of Oz gave us an interesting look at the election between Bryan and McKinley. Clearly L. Frank Baum was a supporter of Bryan and used his writing abilities to tell the story.
Segregation abounds everywhere in the late 1800's and early 1900's, as it still does now to some extent. As we discussed, Japan even has signs informing us that "whites" are not allowed to shop in certain stores. It is hard to escape the past.
     Mudcrackers loved writing about the issues facing Americans, just as news reporters love writing about it now. What would you write about?
     This week you will view the makings of the Progressive movement. Innovation and change is headed our way and Christendom is becoming more divided. Does that sound like our current society? Hmmm.... just wondering. I am positive that the early 1900's didn't face the possibility of being monitored through their electronic devices though. A screen with a pineapple phone case and kittens would surely not present themselves after discussing it. So things are a little different today. Is it a good thing or bad thing?

This week you will be reading Unit 19. Consider taking notes on a few ideas from the chapters to discuss. In fact, you will soon need to, as I have a "fun" surprise for you!

-read Unit 19
-complete bible memory verse and all bible assignments
-choose 1 Unit Project to complete
-start working on WWI poster
-add to Timeline

Here is an idea of a WWI poster you could create:
It does not have to be as fancy as this or done with Photoshop. This is just an idea. It can be simple or elaborate. It is up to your creativity. Remember that it would be hanging in a store window, so include a "call to action". You are convincing the people of something they need or something they need to do. Put your marketing hats on and create!

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Last Blog Post

Well this is my last official blog post for this class:( It is a little sad that the year is over. I will miss each one of you so much. I tr...