Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Sometimes You Have to Compromise

     Expanding into the country's western territories raised the question of slavery.  The slavery debate was quiet for a time, but that was about to change. The Missouri Compromise gave a solution for a period of time but did not resolve the issue. The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy statement by our nation which attempted to make the U.S. a significant player in the western hemisphere, and the newly elected President, John Quincy Adams, served as our 6th President and highlighted deep political divisions in our country. The first half of the 19th century was a remarkably active time for the development of new religious movements in America as well. America was going through growing pains. We will see in the upcoming Units how our country dealt with these growing pains and where it led us.
     As we discussed today, our country is going through growing pains again. We are learning to co-exist with an influx of immigrants, suffering from unresolved issues of our past, and standing our ground as a significant nation while smaller nations threaten us. What will happen next? Should we call our class Exploring History and Discussing Current Events? 😂

     This week you will be reading about Democrats and Whigs. Sounds fun, right? The second two-party system (Whigs and Democrats replaced Federalists and Republicans) continued the pattern of politics that we still have today. Many people in America believed that it was our destiny to expand across the continent which led to increased western settlement and conflict with Mexico. However, not all Americans agreed with our war with Mexico as you will learn. When does America ever on agree on something though:)? We will also be learning about moving westward and what that looked like for settlers. Be prepared to wash clothes the "old fashioned" way next week. We will also be eating a meal similar to the one settlers ate while traveling on the Oregon Trail. Yum or not yum? You will decide.

     This week you have a lighter homework load! You are welcome!

1. Read Unit 9
2. Bible: read Colossians 2:8 and 1 Timothy 6:20-21 and answer questions. Read Acts 4:32 and answer question. (pg 214) Write Proverbs 14:32-35 and Acts 5:29-32 down.
3. American Voices: "Second Reply to Robert Hayne", "America", Democracy in America, "My Faith Looks Up to Thee", "The Arrow and the Song", "I Hear America Singing", "O Holy Night", and "Civil Disobedience".
4. Work on Timeline
5. Read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass for extra credit. Write 2 paragraph report on what contribution he made to the slavery movement.
6. Choose a Unit Project if you want extra credit.

Have a great week!

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