Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Cajun Food Anyone?

     You have completed week 2 and are well on your way to becoming history buffs! Discussing the Enlightenment period, the establishment of self-government, The French and Indian War, our growing conflicts with British control, and The Great Awakening help us to learn from the past. Many of the the events that took place during the 1700's remind us of events occurring in our society today. Taxes are still around, our cultures reliance on man rather then God, people's increasing wealth resulting in declining interest in God, and a need for another Great Awakening remind us that we face similar issues that the colonist faced many years ago. We have begun to see how the expansion of America is taking place, and The French and Indian War gave us a huge lead in acquiring land and moving forward in our desire for expansion. We can also see that God's hand was there the whole time. It was in his providence that we became the nation we are today.
     Although the book spent very little time discussing the Acadians from Canada and their sad tale, we sampled a few food items from their typical meal. These men and women became known as the Cajuns in Louisiana. They were forced into emigration and found their way to New Orleans, the closest French-speaking haven. It was after the British won The French and Indian War that they were forced to leave their homes in Nova Scotia, Canada. Their meals consisted of things they could fish, grow, or catch. We sampled shrimp, sausage, and corn bread. Most of their food was thrown into a large pot and made into gumbo. Things like shrimp, crayfish, okra, corn, tomato, catfish, onion, garlic, etc.... were main staples in their diets. They occasionally added meat too.

     This week you will be reading Unit 4. We are about to learn about The Declaration of Independence and The Revolutionary War. Please take lots of notes! These are important events in our country's history. Your homework for this week should include:
1.  Unit Project- write 300-500 words on:
- Reasons Americans desired independence
- What the Christian's relationship to the government should be in the United States today and what it should be for a Christian living in Communist China today.
-Make a portfolio of at least 10 weapons that were used by the British and Americans during the War for American Independence. Include a drawing and description.
-Make an audio or video recording of yourself singing or playing at least 5 songs that were popular during the War for American Independence.
2. Read the following from American Voices: "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death", "Paul Revere's Ride", "Concord Hymn", Common Sense, Declaration of Independence, poems by Phillis Wheatley, "The Crisis", and the Articles of Confederation.
3. Bible assignments: Read Romans 13:1-7 and Acts 5:29. Answer questions assigned in text book. -- -Write Leviticus 25:10.
4. Continue adding events to your Timeline.
     I am excited to review the homework you turned in today! Thank you for your hard work! I love that some of you are thinking outside the box. I was impressed by a video done today as one of the Unit projects. The creativity inspires me! Feel free to be creative with these projects.
     A few of you have let me know that you will be absent for some classes. It's no problem. Just make sure you stay on top of your homework and turn in assignments when you get back. As I mentioned in class, I will except assignments up until the week before Thanksgiving for the first semester, so if you have to miss a class, you can still get your work in for credit. You can also email me homework too. I am pretty flexible:)
     Have a great week!

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Last Blog Post

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