Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Last Blog Post

Well this is my last official blog post for this class:( It is a little sad that the year is over. I will miss each one of you so much. I truly had the best time with you all this year. I loved discussing history and random, silly facts or events with you. The rabbit trails we followed were fun and always made me laugh. I will really miss that! Now who will I find to listen to my dumb facts about Henry VIII?!

Today was a great way to end our class. I am really impressed by the tests you put together for the other team. It was comical to hear your groups work through possible answers. Don't worry, I am not counting the scores as part of your grade.

I truly wish the best for each one of you and sincerely hope you will check in with me from time to time to let me know how you are doing. I would love to hear where life takes each one of you. Ok, so enough of the gushy stuff. Below are a few pictures from today. I hope you had a great year studying history, and thank you for humoring me when I got really excited about certain periods of history.

Team 2 working hard on their test

Team 1 stressing over the same question

I think the Takis were gone in 1 minute flat!

Have a great summer!!!!

Last Blog Post

Well this is my last official blog post for this class:( It is a little sad that the year is over. I will miss each one of you so much. I tr...