Tuesday, May 8, 2018

We Finished the Book!

     Well, we are officially done reading through American History! We have covered every major event in our nation's history that has shaped us into who we are. We have seen our leaders make mistakes and seen them make wise decisions. We have seen our country struggle through hard times and prosper in good times. It has been a great journey. But, our country is not done writing history.
     I have loved every class day with you. You all brought unique views, insights, and thoughtful questions to the group. We have discussed pretty much EVERYTHING there is to discuss in history and current events, and I enjoyed every minute of it.
     Thank you for the work you put into your Timeline project. Wow! They are great! I can't wait to read through each one. I think one is missing though. Hmmm.... Jake, where did yours go?

Next week is our last class and our walk through history. I can't wait to see your projects. I hope you have already started working on them. Be creative and thorough with these projects. They count as your final exam. Impress us with what you know about your event in history.
We will have snacks next week, walk through everyone's projects and timelines, and have fellowship.

1. Work on project

Have a great week!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The 1990's

     Politics in the 90's were dominated by Bill Clinton, or should I say William Jefferson Blythe IV? Clinton had many successes but also many failures. His presidency was fraught with misconduct, cover-ups, lying under oath, and an impeachment acquittal. He did accomplish some good for our country, but his questionable deeds took spotlight in his second term.

     The 90's also saw a dramatic increase in the use of computer in everyday life. The popularity of computers came from it's ability to perform many different functions. The first browser introduced was unveiled in 1991 and was called the World Wide Web. Companies, government agencies, organizations, and even individuals created web sites or web pages for the first time. Today the internet offers over 2 billion websites! Can you imagine life without it?

     How did you enjoy the American History version of Jeopardy? It was harder then you thought, right? I love the team work I saw as you tried to answer the questions. That was fun!

     We only have 2 classes left! Next week is our last week discussing the book! Wow! I can hardly believe it! Don't slack off! You MUST read this last unit. I am quizzing you on what you know next week. You have been warned!
     You also need to bring your completed timeline. Rod brought up a great idea with making the timeline not a book. You are welcome to do that. It can either be on a poster board or in a binder. Just make sure you have key points (wars, major events in the U.S., influential people or events, etc...), and make it colorful. We will be displaying them at the last class with your project.

1. READ unit 30!!!!
2. Finish up Timeline
3. Continue working on your final project

Have a great week!

Last Blog Post

Well this is my last official blog post for this class:( It is a little sad that the year is over. I will miss each one of you so much. I tr...