Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Crazy 80's!

     The 80's was a time of change. We put the Watergate scandal behind us and stepped into the future with a former actor, Ronald Reagan, as our President. Reagan offered change that would bring back traditional values and pride in America. He swept the election with a  44 million to 35 million popular vote margin and enjoyed an electoral landslide. Reagan was the oldest President to serve in the White House at 69, until recently. He was able to recover our economy, although we sank deeper into debt as well.
     The 80's also brought the first reusable spacecraft, Columbia, and launched it from Cape Canaveral in 1981. Two years later, we attempted to send the first woman into space, as well as, civilians. Sadly, that mission did not end well. The Challenger burst into flames shortly after take-off. The 80's also saw a rise in homeschooling in America. Parents wanted to train their children in a godly environment, so they brought them home to educate them. Thank goodness! If the homeschooling movement had not taken off, we would not have this fun history class!

Brooke was so 80's!!!
     During the 80's, many people gathered around the television to watch the Berlin Wall come down in Germany. It was a huge event for Germany, and Americans tuned into to show their support. Some Americans even went over there to celebrate! Here is the clip, in case you need to watch it again.

Who knew David Hasselhoff was so talented?!!!You know you envy his jacket.

Next week we are on to the 90's! The 90's rocked! A huge scandal rocked our nation and a war. It was "tubular"! We will also play a game "How Well Do You Know the 90's". Make sure you know your 90's facts.

We are so close to being done for the year. It has gone by so fast! We are only meeting 3 more times!

1. Read Unit 29
2. Work on Timeline
3. Work on Presentation

Have a great week!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The 1970's

     The 1970's was filled with scandal and controversy. America was unhappy about our involvement in the Vietnam War. We wanted to fight communism and bring peace, but we were unable to do so. Instead, we lost 58,000 soldiers, and many more injured, and brought troops home to a negative and unsupportive country. We did establish our message that we were willing to fight communism though.
     The biggest scandal to break out during the 70's was the Watergate Scandal. Five men were arrested for breaking into the Watergate Hotel. They were sent to jail and all seemed to be good. Or was it? Later it was determined that President Nixon was involved, he was impeached, and resigned from office. Major scandal!
Vice President Gerald Ford was quickly sworn in as President and issued Nixon a pardon. Should he have been pardoned?

     The 70's also brought us the controversial case Roe Vs. Wade. Two lawyers, Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee, fought to make abortion legal. They did this with the help of a pregnant woman, Norma McCorvey, who was carrying her third child. Norma would be referred to as Jane Roe for the case. Sadly, they won the case and abortion became legal. Norma, or Jane Roe, would go on to keep her third child and become a catholic fighting for pro-life.
     Next week we dive into the 80's! Here comes the era of leg warmers, boom boxes, an actor as the President, and wild fashion. Are you ready? We will also play "Name that Candy". The 80's ushered in a new wave of candy that we will try to identify.

1. Read Unit 28
2. Read American Voices, both speeches given by Ronald Reagan.
3. Work on Timeline. It is due on May 8th.
4. Work on history project!

There are only 3 classes left! Don't slack off now. You can finish strong!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Turbulent Sixties

The sixties ushered in a new wave of problems. We experienced crisis with Russia and Cuba, as well as, a war with Vietnam. We witnessed the assassination of J.F.K., the presidency of Lyndon Johnson being overshadowed by a war, civil rights movements, and a new social culture. This decade brought more changes then anyone thought ten years could or should bring. As we discussed in class, it was a decade full of tragedies. It was also a decade full of new music. The Beatles brought a new sound to America from Britain, which many thought made the decade musically rich. Much of the music from the sixties encouraged immorality and the use of mind-altering drugs. The lyrics speak for themselves. Next week we will discover the seventies!

With the school year quickly winding down, it is time to get serious about the end of the year project. We only have 4 more classes before the projects are presented! The fifth class is the presentation of the final project, so it really is coming quickly! We will also celebrate with a party on that last class (May 15th).
Here are a few ideas for your projects:

These are fairly elaborate, but it gives you an idea of what you can create. I love creativity, so feel free to be as creative as you want. Your project does not need to be as tall as these, but it should be on a trifold board.
Here is what you need to include:
1. map of where the event took place
2. keep people involved in your event
3. historical facts (dates, locations, causes, etc...)
4. The effect it had on the nation
5. culture during the time
6. the importance of the event
7. any other interesting facts that help describe or explain the event
8. Color, details, organized

1. read Unit 27
2. choose a unit project to complete
3. bible assignments if you are doing bible credit
4. work on timeline
5. work on collection info for project

Have a great week!!!

Last Blog Post

Well this is my last official blog post for this class:( It is a little sad that the year is over. I will miss each one of you so much. I tr...