Tuesday, August 29, 2017

This Is Our Country

     Congratulations! You made it through the first class of Exploring America! You just have 29 more to go! I loved getting to meet each one of you in person and am really excited about this class. You all made class fun and offered wonderful insights. Thank you so much for participating in discussing the Units. I am looking forward to studying history with you each week.

     As we discussed today, studying history is important for several reasons. First, we learn our story. Many of us are descendants of immigrants who left everything for a fresh start. Second, it helps us understand the present. Much of what we hear and see today are from assumptions that Americans shared centuries ago. Third, we learn from the past. We learn to avoid making the same mistakes our ancestors made. And fourth, God teaches us that history is important. He wants us to remember our past. We do not always appreciate the price that was paid for our freedom to worship God, to live free of persecution, and to have the freedom to share the gospel. Throughout this year, we will learn to appreciate the sacrifices made for us and learn how the over-arching theme is that the hand of God has been guiding us along the way.
     You all had wonderful insights on how our ethnocentricity sets us apart from other countries. We talk, dress, worship, and eat differently then most cultures. We allow hazardous chemical to be added to our foods that most countries have banned, we are less prejudice (most of the time) then most other countries, and have more freedom in how we worship. I love how much discussion came from that topic!
     You also impressed me with your insights on the character of Columbus. As he set sail with intent to spread the gospel, find riches (ahem), and discover a new route to the Indies, he ventured away from that mission in some areas. His goal of spreading the gospel was overshadowed by his cruel mistreatment of the Indians. Clearly, his desire to increase his wealth became more important then his desire to spread God's word. Did he have a lapse in judgment, or was that his true character? Whatever his reasons, he led the way in exploration. Many others followed in his footsteps and discovered new lands to be inhabited.

     This week you will be reading about The Enlightenment, Self-Government, The French and Indian War, Growing Conflict, and The Great Awakening. Make sure to take notes on things that stand out to you. We need plenty of good ideas to discuss! If you find events or people that you want to add to your timeline, make a note of them in the Timeline section of your notebook.
Here are the things you need to do before we meet next week:

1. Read Unit 3
2. Choose a unit project to complete
3. Write down your memory verse, Colossians 2:8-10
4. Fill in the French and Indian War map
5. Read assigned American Voices passages: "Sayings From Poor Richard's Almanack", "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", The Albany Plan of Union, "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania".

Don't forget, we will be eating Cajun food next week!

Have a great week!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Welcome to Exploring America!

     Welcome to Exploring America! You are about to embark on a journey that will take you through American history. You will survey American history from the first exploration by Europeans to the present day and uncover the significance of faith with regards to history.
     History plays an important part in everyone's life. It is not just a list of names and dates; it is a personal account of real people and their contributions to our past. It is a chance to learn from the mistakes and victories of our ancestors, a chance to see the way God has worked throughout our country's development, and a chance to grow our knowledge as we head into the future. Are you ready to embark on a journey through our nation's past?

     Each week I will post an overview of what we covered in class and what is due the following week. I might also throw in bonus material that will aide you in learning about a subject we are studying. You can check here if you were absent to see what we covered, or if you need a reminder about what is due. I will also try to include pictures of our time together as a reminder of your time spent together learning about history. Consider it a mini yearbook and weekly planner.
     My favorite way to learn is through reading and discussion, so expect a lot of discussing! I want you to come ready to discuss the lessons we read, to offer your insights, and to learn from your peers. All discussion will be done respectfully and with the intent to dissect the text and learn from it. Feel free to research additional information about the people or events we learn about to share with the class.
     We will work on a timeline of American history and 2 projects this year. Don't worry; I will give you plenty of time. This will be a chance to do hands on learning. Trust me, it will be fun! Most of all, come to class with ears that want to hear, eyes that want to see, and minds that want to learn. I am excited to walk through American history with you!

Last Blog Post

Well this is my last official blog post for this class:( It is a little sad that the year is over. I will miss each one of you so much. I tr...